Farming Assistant App
Augmented Reality


October 9, 2024
Agri-AR app will be available soon on AppStore, GooglePlay and for Meta Quest 3.

October 1, 2024
The English version of the Agri-AR website is now open.

April 30, 2024
Agri-AR/Work-AR app & service is launched in Japan.

About “Agri-AR”

An application service designed to make farming more efficient with Augment Reality technology.
It offers an affordable & user-friendly app that can be used by anyone, anywhere, to streamline simple tasks in farmlands.
Developed by Root Inc., Japan-based agritech startup and the service is accessible worldwide.

For “Meta Quest 3” Users


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Tutorial Page

Agri-AR’s 11 Functions

By installing Agri-AR app on your device & subscribe to the paid plan, you can use the following functions.
You can try out 1 & 2 for free with limited capabilities.

1. Parallel Line Guide

Displays parallel lines and points in AR space, fixing them as guides in the real world. With GNSS-RTK (high-precision global positioning system), …

2. Ridge Simulation

Displays virtual ridges and vinyl mulch in the real world and run simulations.

3. Area Measurement

By simply tracing the perimeter of the target, the area is measured, and optional division lines are displayed in AR space. Using GNSS-RTK, measurements and calculations are achieved with centimeter-level accuracy.

4. Distance Measurement

The distance between two points is measured, and optional division lines are displayed in AR space. Multiple distance measurements can be performed consecutively. Using GNSS-RTK, measurements and calculations are achieved with centimeter-level accuracy.

5. Level Measurement

AR horizontal plane is placed in the space recognized by the app, allowing users to adjust its position to visualize flatness.

6. Size Measurement (Tap, Fingertip, Caliper)

Simply tap on the app screen or place your fingertip on the target to easily measure its size.

7. Volume Measurement (Points, 3-Axis)

With the point method, an approximate volume of irregular 3D objects or spaces can be calculated. Using the 3-axis method, measurements such as the length, height, thickness, and volume of objects, like a fish, can be determined.

8. Movement Speed Display

Displays movement speed, which was previously difficult to monitor, supporting high-precision agricultural work. Units can be switched between meters per minute, kilometers per hour, and meters per second.

9. Tractor Route Guide

Displays the tractor’s perimeter work route and parallel guide lines for the inner straight sections in AR. Even in irregularly shaped fields, you can set and display the tractor’s work route with predefined settings simply by walking the perimeter.

10. AI Fruit Ripeness Detection

Users can upload images of persimmons and plums (Tsuyuakane) for automatic ripeness detection, displaying the result as a percentage.

11. Spatial Mapping

Text, images, and checkboxes can be placed and saved in real-world space. The data can be reproduced multiple times and edited both on the support page and on-site.

Recommended devices are iPhone/iPad with LiDAR > Meta Quest 3 > iPhone > Android smps.


【For 2-month】
All Functions 60 USD / 2-month
【For 1-year】
2 Functions 60 USD / year
4 Functions 120 OSD / year
All Functions 180 USD / year

All prices include tax, and you must register for the number of devices you plan to use.
For inquiries regarding bulk contracts and specific conditions, please contact us through the form at the bottom of this page.
Compatible Devices & Usage Conditions

For Meta Quest 3 Users

Apply to Paid Plan

Tutorial Page

Additional Device & Service

Agri-AR app for smart-glasses “Meta Quest 3” allows you to use the same functions as the smartphone version, completely hands-free.
Also, with GNSS-RTK (centimeter-level precision satellite positioning), you can achieve even higher precision for work assistance and measurements in large fields.

Agri-AR’s Support Page

Agri-AR users can access support page to configure & manage tasks through the main app.
The page offers features such as an automatically saved work log for various measurement results, individual support chat with the administration, and plan management.

Go to Support Page

Tutorial Page

Inquiry Form

If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to discuss new feature development,
feel free to contact us through this form or via the chatbox on Support Page.




